【天天速看料】CISH MAPLE DRAGON (June Week 2, Part 2)

2023-06-16 11:29:29     来源:互联网     编辑:bj001    

Science Highlights



Grade 6-1- Dr. Holger Meinberg

This week in science, 6-1 students focused on the senses of taste and smell. They were surprised to discover how well they could identify the origin of scents from a variety of spices, herbs, andessential oilswhile blindfolded, and how many different and complex combinations of smells they could distinguish in the gaseous state.

Grade 7 & 8- Ms. Heather Exum

Grade 7 students finished and turned in their final summative of the year. They didn’t rest! Immediately, students got to work on a presentation to teach 5th-grade students about elements, solutions, states of matter, and chemical reactions.

Grade 8 students spent the week both studying for their test on the 12thand working on their last summative of the year an Elemental Superhero! Students were shown how to research Perplexity, an AI chatbot thatgets information on the internet, and how to use an AI image generator to create their superhero if they wanted to, students were also encouraged to hand draw if they desired.

Grade 9-1 - Mr. Nick Smith

Grade 9 Science students have been revising for their exams this week. Several different approaches have been used. Students have been reminded of all the topics that were studied throughout the Semester. Practice questions and exercises have been set to help students revise specific skills and knowledge.

Grade 9-2- Ms. Heather Exum

Grade 9-2 students are busy preparing for exams next week. Each day another data-based question was reviewed and a new one was assigned for practice.To help with differentiation a document camera was used with time for students to go back and review their questions to see if they could answer now that they understood the question better.

Grade 10 - Mr. Nick Smith

All the grading and assessment data was brought up to date on ManageBac so that students have a fair idea of what their grades are. This enables them to target specific areas of weakness for their personal revision. A series of guided exercises were also given and practice assessment material.

Biology Class - Grade 11 & 12 - Ms. Marina Baltikian

During this week in the biology course, students dedicated their time to thoroughly reviewing their past exams and actively engage in asking questions to ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming final exams. With a focus on consolidating their understanding of the material, the students demonstrated their commitment to academic excellence by taking this initiative to enhance their knowledge and address any areas of confusion.

For Grade 12, The official IB exams have concluded, and we extend our best wishes to all the students in their future endeavors.

Chemistry Class - Grade 11 & 12 - Mr. Nick Smith

The results of the Summative for Thermochemistry were given to the students. In classes students have been given a series of practice questions for each topic. On the whole they have been given the freedom to choose how they revise for the exams.

Both Ms Naryana and Mr Smith have made themselves available for tuition at the students convenience.

Grade 12, the official IB exams for chemistryhave concluded, and we extend our best wishes to all the students in their future endeavors.

ESS Class - Grade 11 &12 - Mr. Luke Bonham

DP1 students in grade 11 have been spending time reviewing for examinations. Students were provided with quizzes for each topic in order to identify areas in which they require further review. Students were also given an opportunity to discuss their internal assessments with me, as they finished up a planning document for this assignment last week.

Grade 12, the official IB exams for Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS) have concluded, and we extend our best wishes to all the students in their future endeavors.

SEHS Class - Grade 11 & 12 - Mr. Donavan Van Vuuren

This week at SEHS, our students dedicated the initial lessons to their IA planning. They engaged in discussions and finalized their research questions, data collection procedure, and methodology. This planning phase holds significant importance as it sets the groundwork for their entire project.

This week we also had the G12 graduation ceremony and this included subject awards. Hannah Viljoen won the SEHS subject award. Congratulations to all the G12 SEHS students on their remarkable achievements.

Mandarin Highlights


Ms. Lisa

This week in Ms. Lisa’s G9 Language and Literature class, students learned the article 《杨修之死》 which is an excerpt from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the four great classics in Chinese literature. They explored the characters in this article. Each student chose one character to introduce.

Ms. Tina

In Ms. Tina’s G8 phase 3-4 Language Acquisition class, students have been learning the unit Happiness and Fulfillment. After learning the topic Environment and Travel, students made a travel plan for their summer holiday. They introduced their destination, transportation, weather, travel peers and attractions and souvenirs.

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Mr. Du

Grade 8 phase 1 and 2 students have been learning the unit Entertainment. Students learned new expressions, practiced how to describe one’s features such as clothes and physical appearance by playing a guessing game, in which they need to guess who their partners are describing in the way of asking and answering questions.

Ms. Jiang

In Ms. Jiang’s G9 Mandarin Language and Acquisition class students are actively preparing for the final exam. Students from different phases work together in groups to complete the review worksheet. Everyone can find what they have learned on the worksheet.

Ms. Summer

In Ms. Summer’s G7 Mandarin Language Literature class, learners shared diverse literary pieces or phrases with one another, such as phrases, poems, short stories, and novels. They were required to explore who the author is and the meaning of the writing.This allowed learners to utilize what they are passionate about and inspire others to find a love of literature.

Ms. Li

In Ms. Fiona’ S G11 Mandarin B class, students are focusing on the Chinese traditional culture sharing. After they researched and collected many traditional customs and manners, they started to do the cultural contrast. They shared the different expressions and characterization in the story of Mulan and had a heated discussion to analyze the reasons.

PYP Highlights

Early Years



Ms. Polly Coronel and Ms. Kirsten Hernandez

It was a successful Children"s Day held last week. Pre-K students enjoyed splashing around in the water play area and creating mountains of foam bubbles. They also had the chance to express themselves with fun tattoos and face painting.

The students are continuously learning about the weather, we focus on cloudy and snowy weather. During our cloudy weather activity, the students made their own fluffy clouds indoors. Using shaving foam and glue, they mixed and spread the foam on some blue paper to create their own cloudy sky.

K2 Mr. Callum MacDonald and Ms. Sue MacDonald

This week, we had our field trip to the Hefei Wildlife Park on Tuesday. We got to see some of our favorite animals and we were so lucky when crossing the bridge over the fields to see a pack of wolves staring up at us and a group of black bears practicing climbing trees!

In Language Arts, we have learned the or sound. We also consolidated our knowledge of vowel teams ai, oa, ie and ee by making an anchor chart on which the kids stuck pictures of words containing those vowel teams onto the correct column on the anchor chart.

In math, we introduced (last week) and built upon (this week) part-part-whole. We used different materials and our bodies to split bigger numbers into smaller parts. One activity which the kids particularly enjoyed was using themselves to split the class attendance into parts.



Grade 1

Mr. Millar, Miss Kat & Ms. Ülda

In Language Arts, we have continued to practice our narrative writing skills and have been exploring characters, setting and plot structure.

In Mathematics we have been continuing our unit on measurement by practicing time. The students learned how to tell the time on analogue clocks using hours, half hours and quarter hours.

In Inquiry, the students have been producing their own fractured fairy tales as part of their summative task. We have gone through each step of the writing process by thinking of ideas, planning, writing a first draft, making corrections and writing a final draft.

Grade 3 Mr. Jeremy Boudreau & Ms. Debra van Vuuren

In English Language Arts, we focused on narrative writing skills. The students explored the elements of a story, including characters, setting, and plot. They practiced creating engaging beginnings, developing the middle with details and events, and crafting satisfying endings.

In Mathematics, the students were introduced to the concept of basic fractions. They learned about the meaning of fractions, identifying and representing fractions using visual models, such as circles and rectangles.

Our Inquiry topic for this week was "The physical environment affects the way we live and provides a means to live." We discussed how the natural surroundings, such as weather, landforms, and resources, impact our daily lives.

Grade 5 Mrs. Patricia Larrondo & Mr. Matthew Facey

Last week students in grade 5 got an opportunity to meet the grade 6 students from the MYP. They prepared many questions for the meeting, to find out directly from the students all about their lives in MYP.

Students also continued a cross-curricular writing activity where they came up with three different alternate endings to well-known fairy tales, in order to re-write new stories with new endings to resolve the conflicts in those stories in less violent ways!

Friday the grade 5 classes had an ALL DAY field trip! They had such a great time! During the field trip, students were reminded to focus on any personal or social conflicts they encountered throughout the day and will be asked to reflect on how those conflicts were resolved.

MYP Highlights

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The MYP sailed through an extraordinary thirty-sixth week of the 2022-2023 academic year,filled to the brim with noteworthy occurrences and stimulating educational adventures. Ourgrades 9 and 10 students were engrossed in their intensive preparation for the upcomingfinal exams. Libraries and study halls echoed with the sound of turning pages and clickingpens, an indication of the dedication and commitment of our young scholars. Simultaneously, our grades 6, 7,and 8 students embarked on an exciting field trip to the mountains. The trip, anamalgamation of adventure, camaraderie, and experiential learning, offered a refreshingbreak from the regular academic routine.

Behind the scenes,the coordinators and administrative team were meticulously preparing documents for theforthcoming COGNIA accreditation. This process is an integral part of our commitment tomaintaining high educational standards and providing our students with the best learningenvironment possible.

DP Highlights

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